We are all Friends and Travelers Here

Sunday, May 8, 2016

A Fairy Child's Head

And the trees will guild me home to a mothers soft sweet arms,
this water running over my feet will cleanse me,
the light hides just behind confused eyes,
while the moss embraces me.
Asleep upon the forest floor,
the moon watches over me,
fireflies are my little immortal night lights,
messengers for the earth who is my goddess,
she protects me.
Woke up under a blanket of pine needles,
Through sleepy eyes,
I witnessed the sunrise and ran,
because the rain is my only hope.
Hit the cliffs edge,
and jumped in....
to the water that cleanses me,
please be my light.
Shore full of pine cones,
where is the sand?
Symbolic of an untouched land,
sat amidst the pine cones,
contemplated life.
This is what things look like...

Written by Sossina Chirhart

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Why Interactions Matter

I was talking to a good friend of mine the other day about why I believe in investing in people, and it went something like this:

"I believe in investing in people when I am volunteering, teaching and mentoring, because humans are a part of the big equation. In the next couple of decades, maybe less, the relationship between humans and nature is going to change dramatically and the products of those things being added together is going to equal some sort of outcome.

humans+non-humans+some sort of divine?= Unknown Outcome

Knowing this information, I believe that in order to change the possible effects of the outcome, we must nurture others with a positive, real, hopeful vision for the future."

Our interactions with each other, create these personal webs, at least, that's how I imagine them. And in our webs are all of the interactions and experiences we have had by ourselves and with others and with non-humans. And inevitably combinations of the interactions and our essence, form and shape who we end up being and contribute to the actions we make and take in this lifetime.

So, if we think about that, then it becomes extremely important to leave positive impacts on the people around us and live the life we aspire others to live. Makes sense, right?

"In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision". -Dalai Lama

On everything we touch and every person we interact with, we must leave a kiss of kindness and a hug of hope and inspiration through our thoughts and actions. We must do these things to help create a "positive vision", to help remind ourselves that a positive outcome is possible through "positive action". And that the only way this string of things survives is through our synergy with each other and with non-humans.

It's a pretty big weight to bear, but we have created our current reality, and in the over arching reality there is great unrest. There is also great power in realizing that through our relationships with each other, that we can transform the unrest into some sort of action that needs to happen.

So I leave you with these thoughts:

Knowing everything you know now, kiss your kids, by kind to all humans and non-humans, hug a tree, have compassion, live with gusto and true intention, because our realities are exactly what we make them and they have the power to positively or negatively affect others.

"If we're destroying our trees and destroying our environment and hurting animals and hurting one another and all that stuff, there's got to be a very powerful energy to fight that. I think we need more love in the world. We need more kindness, more compassion, more joy, more laughter. I definitely want to contribute to that". -Ellen DeGeneres

Lets contribute to that! I look forward to chatting with you next time.

All my love,

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Lets Be Like the Jar of Salsa!

I remember breaking down the other day and with all of the arguably bad things weighting me down in my life, turned to the love of my life and said "I feel liking I am loosing myself and barely know who I am anymore". To me being lost was bad, I feel empty, and I was looking at that emptiness as loneliness something defining something that I wasn't sure how to overcome. I remember someone saying that I was taking the road less traveled, goddess somedays I resent Robert Frost. It's just like Kid President said, "I took the road less traveled by....And it hurt!...There were rocks...and glass...and my pants broke!...Why Robert Frost?".

Empty to many of us, has come to represent sadness, unfulfillment and loss.

But what if I set an empty jar down in front of you? And what if the jar had been full of delicious salsa in its previous life, but it isn't now, it is just a scraped semi-clean empty jar with imperfections. The label is missing and all of the obnoxious glue is still on the outside. But what if I told you, you could fill it with more of anything, you could even fill it with more salsa! Or glitter or pictures or memories. And you would totally do that right? You would give the jar purpose again...I mean why wouldn't you?

Then how is it in our own lives that we are not the jar we would so readily fill, when we are lost and feel empty?

I am a vessel, you are a vessel, if we are like the jar then we will fill our vessels with whatever we want. If I feel empty, then I can fill myself with not only the things I already am, but also with the things I want to be. I can turn the dreams into things I am and so can you. You can fill your jar with whatever you want! And when we start to feel empty, maybe we will stop seeing it as such a bad thing, because it's not. It is Life giving us a wake-up call, telling us not to be okay with what we are perceiving to by normal, shouting at us to be more, calling for action.

I know that when I am home and I have an empty jar, I fill it with things I love: glass stones, ceramics stones, flowers, plants, paintbrushes, the colorful water from the brushes I have used to paint with, food, ice cream, all sorts of things that I love!

We are the glass jar, and sometimes, yes, we are empty but we are never gone. And when you feel empty, you can fill yourself right up, maybe you won't have the same things that were in your last jar, but that is so totally and incredibly okay, and maybe you will have the same things, and that is also totally okay. Any maybe you can't fill it by yourself in which case you should totally ask others to help you out and they will put things in that make them happy and you happy.

So, let us be like the Jar of Salsa, sometimes full, sometimes brimming over, sometimes empty. And let us remember that all of those things can be good.

The ability to love oneself, empty or full is quite a feat indeed.
I look forward to the next time wanderers!
Sossina <3

P.S.(Look at that jar! It is filled with honey and honeycomb from my friends bees! What a happy vessel it must be indeed)